Is Your Business Safe This Halloween?
October 31st is only 3 weeks away, and that means hordes of kids will be out in costume collecting their stash of candy. Unfortunately though, something else is out in full force on Halloween, and it isn’t nearly as pleasant as childhood spooks and witches.
Criminals are also a big part of the Halloween holiday.
Because Halloween means many people are away from their homes and out at parties, trick-or-treating with their kids, or other attending other festivities, it’s a prime time for crimes such as theft and vandalism. Businesses are also at risk on this night though. Why?
Because there is such an increase in foot traffic on Halloween, there are likely to be a much larger number of people passing your business than usual. Whether you are located in a downtown area, or are a little more rural or small-town, chances are you will have people cutting through your parking lot, behind your business, or passing by on the sidewalks out front as they go from neighborhood to neighborhood to gather candy. While many of these passerby are innocent, those who have less-than-wonderful intentions can happen to you, and it could be a disaster for your business.
How can you protect yourself this year? First, remember to double check all doors and windows before you leave on the evening of the 31st (or when you leave for the last time before the 31st). Loose locks or windows that are left ajar are a prime target for someone looking for any easy hit. Next, engage any security systems, and look over cameras to make sure they are angled to cover all areas around the exterior of your business. This gives you a better chance of finding the person responsible if you are hit with any theft or vandalism. Finally, consider leaving a light or two on inside the office building, and keep flood lights on out front and in the back of your business. A well-lit business is not a preferred spot for someone not wanting to get caught. Lights mean you are more likely to be left alone.
If you are looking for help maintaining and taking care of your commercial property, give us a call. Lorio and Associates serves the greater Polk County area of central Florida with the very best in commercial real estate sales, leasing, and property management. We are here for you!
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